Thursday, April 26, 2007

9th Grade Review- Neolithic Revolution

The Neolithic Revolution was a period a long time ago when they had people called the hunter-gatherers had figured out the was to domesticate animals and grow food like crops. This event then devloped into nomadism and also developed to the early stages of civilization. People that lived thier settled down and didnthave to travel place to place looking for food. They could now tame animals such as cows and pigs. They learned the way how to hunt for thier food and keep thier crops and all food lose by them. The Neolithic Revolution was a great improvement for them the made thier way of life way easier and a whole lot better.

The European Union

The European Union started because of the constant deaths and injuries between many European countries it was an alliance made of about 25 European countries. From all the battles and wars from this country population kept dropping and so was it economically. when the European leaders reunited they came up with coming together makeing it a whole one together called European Union. The European Union was a very good imporvement for them the population increased and so did thier economy. The European Euro, which is their form of currency, is worth more than the U.S. dollar. The countries of the European Union have changed and improved greatly thiermoney and life style situations alot better this idea of the European Union was the greatest idea ever for them.

"The Right Stuff"

The US and USSR were alway on competion like for example who was going to send the first man to space, who could fly the fastest airplane. Lets say when the US accomplished something they weren't able or allowed to tell the media. But as the US was trying to hide there inventions Russia has already send the first man into space before the US could. US was so mad and anxious about it that they wanted to make a space shuttle and send a man to space also. All the space shuttles they had done they would either go up a little bit and come back right down they always had failed. As the competion kept going the USSR was ahead and US was behind like always. The US trained about 7 men and a monkey to see if they could make it possible to go to space.Besides the fact that the USSR arleady had acommplished the space competion the US were not the first to send someone to space they was the first ones to send an animal to space and travel and go around the world with the space ship.

Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was the only event that had came the closest the world ever came for a nuclear war.The Soviet Commanders were ready to use thier nuclear weapons if the island was invaded.The President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev and the bravery was the only reason why that the war did no happen. The Soviet Unions Missile were so powerful that it had could been launched against Europe but the United States missile were powerful of striking the entire Soviet Union. The Crisis for The Untied Stated began on October 15,1952 when a photograph revealed that there was Soviet missiles were under construction and almost ready to be launched in Cuba.In the morning after Kennedy found out about the missiles he right away made an organization called the EX-COMM. This organization is with his twelve most important advisers he ordered to try to handle what was going on.

NATO and The Warsaw Pact

NATO known as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The first members at the time of the Cold War that were invovled was the United States, the Denmark, Canada, France,United Kingdom , Iceland,Luxembourg , Norway, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, and Italy. NATO was created for to provide a defensive alliance against any nations that would attackor try to attack any of the alliance members. It was like a gang of countries that would defend each other in the event that another country had attacked one of them. In a form of indirect retaliation, Russia had created an alliance known as the Warsaw Pact. It consisted of the Soviet Union, Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. The Soviets developed the Warsaw Pact in retaliation to the development of NATO.

"Night and Fog"

The movie "Night and Fog" was a film less violent almost the same thing as "Schindler's List" just alot less violent and didn't look like the jews suffered as much as in the film "Schindler's List" had showed that the jews were going through.This film was a more high class Holocaust this film was better then the documentary itself.Both movies were still very good, dramatic and powerful, making the viewer feeling sorry for the Jews and those many people who had their lives taken at the Holocaust.

"Schindler's List"

The "Schindler's list" illustrated the Holocaust in this film by showing the history of the Nazi's took over the Jews in a very cruel way. The scenes that were most powerful was when the Nazi shot the people with guns, usually shots to the head that was very cold hearted . There was one lady at the working they were building something just because the lady was smart and was a jew they killed her becuase she was telling them the correct way to build it.It crazy how you can be a jew sitiing home living wealthy and in 2 secounds get you family killed and your house taken from you.The scene that stays on my mind forever is when they had all those bodies they had killed and was burning them.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

i agree with the Atomic Bomb being the number one news because dropping a bomb on any country is going to be a big deal becuase every one suffers from the bomb.Millions have died and very few that made it was left with no land buildings were all destroyed no houses no crops no nothing .Many people who werent invovled with the whole disagreement and beef with the u.s still got killed and many little kids have died.Many innocent people as well as little kids that were just walking around got bombed for absoulte no reason thats when you can say that they were being alittle unfair and cruel.On the list i wouldnt add or change anything it looks fine to me and i do think this event should be number one news it deserves that tittle.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Propaganda: is a poster that influenced people in a time of war. Some of the posters will tell the people to help join the war or help people in need.
This poster is trying to say that Germany basiclly destroyed Britain. It shows a fist which is a symbol that represent how Germany wants to take over the east. I think that cross is showing that Churchill's grave because of the cross.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treaty of Versailles started in june 28, 1919 when the WWI had ended.Germany was getting it really bad and was the one to take blame for it they started the first war and had so many damages tot hier land that t hey was forced upon paying 10% for all of germany land just because it was the treaty of versailles.As the treaty of versailles was takeing place thats whe hitler had came in and the nize also came in as well.So since they had this oppertunity in attacking they took charge and hold of a WWII it was verys neaky and unpredicable to everyone.No one thought it was coming and when u least expect the WWII started especially beacuse Hitler had came in also.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and the modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a legend and a big hero from what took place in 1914 the world warI.Mustafa became the first president of Turkey. Mustafa thought just because this country was Islamaic that they didnt really have to symbolize it as much. He also wanted his country to be well respected and be seen as just another nation from the west. He was useing Secular ideas which was to be into pertaining to be or to do worldy things instead of being religious or doing spiritual things.Mustafa didnt treally like the idea of being Islamic he thought just because his country was that thet they looked very bad and weaker and less important compared to the other countries he wanted to be the same or better he didnt like the idea at all of being Islamic he so hated it.Mustafa also didn like how the Islamic weared dier colthes they had these clothing that were different to everyone and other people in other countrys.He wanted to wear da colthes dat the eroupean peopoe weared like suits tie hats and the hwole 9 yards but the islamic poeple like to wear these long clothing that looks like a dress and he hated that ideahe wanted evryone to look the same and just like the other country so they can fit in as well.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Gandhi is the Man

Gandhi was such a great Indian and was proud and no shame showing that he was Indian and was fed up with the British people.In the film Gandhi he got beat hurt sent to jail so many times its incredible how he was so strong he still kept on fighting for independence.They use to treat him bad British people arrested him so many times dat he just gave up askin for what charge he just was like okay and i aint stopping.He was such a great man if i was Indian i would look up to him and thank him for now everything he has done. He would always bring his people together to protest every time with bigger and better ideas.As they kept arresting him Indians were getting so mad and wanted to stop him the indians were getting mad and started to use violence just like the british always did.They wanted to be tied with the british if they got guns and bats and many weapons so can they they hit and they also hit them two.Gandhi got aware of this and heared about all this violence that Indians were doing because they were fed up.Well Gandhi always had a non violence rule that he wanted his indians to follow but they kept useing violence so he came up with the idea of fasting and not eating he aid let them keep on useing violence and i will die.He kept on with his plan and actually all Indians stoped even if they took a while.They really cared about Gandhi and looked up to him and they stoped the violence for good.They arrested Gandhi again and Finally they got thier indepence no more careing idenifications cards around no more treating them unfair.Gandhi is a legend and will always be he is the man.
If Gandhi wasnt thier didnt exsist Indian was going to stay the same.Gandhi made it all happen the indians would had gotten mad fed up but they wasnt going to be a man with so much will and pride to do what gandhi has done for his country i say without Gandhi thier would had been no independce.Gandhi has so much heart and for someone to disagree with this is really wrong because he did so so much and then for someone to say it would had eventually happen anyways is wrong.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Test Blog