Friday, February 9, 2007

Gandhi is the Man

Gandhi was such a great Indian and was proud and no shame showing that he was Indian and was fed up with the British people.In the film Gandhi he got beat hurt sent to jail so many times its incredible how he was so strong he still kept on fighting for independence.They use to treat him bad British people arrested him so many times dat he just gave up askin for what charge he just was like okay and i aint stopping.He was such a great man if i was Indian i would look up to him and thank him for now everything he has done. He would always bring his people together to protest every time with bigger and better ideas.As they kept arresting him Indians were getting so mad and wanted to stop him the indians were getting mad and started to use violence just like the british always did.They wanted to be tied with the british if they got guns and bats and many weapons so can they they hit and they also hit them two.Gandhi got aware of this and heared about all this violence that Indians were doing because they were fed up.Well Gandhi always had a non violence rule that he wanted his indians to follow but they kept useing violence so he came up with the idea of fasting and not eating he aid let them keep on useing violence and i will die.He kept on with his plan and actually all Indians stoped even if they took a while.They really cared about Gandhi and looked up to him and they stoped the violence for good.They arrested Gandhi again and Finally they got thier indepence no more careing idenifications cards around no more treating them unfair.Gandhi is a legend and will always be he is the man.
If Gandhi wasnt thier didnt exsist Indian was going to stay the same.Gandhi made it all happen the indians would had gotten mad fed up but they wasnt going to be a man with so much will and pride to do what gandhi has done for his country i say without Gandhi thier would had been no independce.Gandhi has so much heart and for someone to disagree with this is really wrong because he did so so much and then for someone to say it would had eventually happen anyways is wrong.

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